
Publish and Subscribe in JMS

Java Messaging Service as two models of messaging.
1.point-to-point (tutorial here)
2.Publish and Subscribe.

Point to Point Messaging using JMS

Java Messaging Service (JMS)  is a Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.

JMS API supports two models:
1.Point to Point
2.Publish and Subscribe
Here we are going to look p2p example.

Create a WebServer

A tutorial which i am going to show how to create a simpe webserver for node.js. Here you can download node.js and install in system.

Open a notepad and copy the following code snippet

Simple Message Driven Bean(MDB)

Message Driven Bean(MDB) is follows the MOM architecture.There are lot of products available in market like IBM Websphere. MDB(producer) put the message(txt) in the Queue, later the consumer picks up the message when the client server up.Here will see Point to Point (P2P) example.

Stateful Session Bean

Stateful session Bean 2.1 with remote interface. Follow the below steps to invoke the session bean.