
CodeIgniter - PHP Framework

PHP become a very popular language today because of so many reason like open source,easy to learn,object orinted language and so on.Mostly web developers uses PHP for page like contact us and login page for websites.

CodeIgniter - A PHP Framework

We can see the most of the web pages in address bar like

PHP code are easily available in web.Developer search the code and modified as they want.

Coming to Dynamic Web Application , we want to write a lot of code to application.Its much difficult to developer and also it takes time.To solve this problem developers use a  Framework.


Framework is a set of library or classes,common code are already written and its like a template. we download the framework, write small set of code and finally we get what we except.

Popular Framework for PHP. They are Zend Framework (Facebook running on this Framework), CodeIgniter,Cake Framework.

Every Framework has different styles and methods to use.Newbie finds difficult to use at some time.First think we want to understand the framework and its style of coding.There is a old Proverb "Practise makes the man perfect".Keep in mind if you have enough of practise you will use the framework easily.Especially the Codeigniter Framework is a nice and easy to use.


CodeIgniter is an open source, web application framework for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP.CodeIgniter follows MVC pattern i.e. Model-View-Controller.MVC makes the code separtely.

CodeIgniter is a easy for newbie to experienced one. It is very rapid framework and flexible to use. It has lot of class are inbuilded and use the particular class to reuse. It is well documented even if we have doubt in particular code snippet method we can see the user guide in offline also.User Guide will help u to format the code.Develop the your web application in CodeIgniter and feel the rapid development.

Framework Download.Click the link